gemini, sag, pisces, virgo ☼ ☽ ↑ ♀💌

venus entered gemini. that brings a lot of activity for you. this is time to relax but since you may see some interesting experiences, it’s also time to explore what you want. that doesn’t mean rid of boundaries or fall into codependency.
for those with gemini placements (sun, moon, mercury, mars, or venus), venus will conjunct your placement. in general, that means you will hold Venusian power. as venus approaches, you can see yourself sweet talking, charming, attracting a lot of feminine energy around you.
gemini, you can feel more at ease, lighthearted, sociable, and engaged. more people will be receptive to you than normal. you’ll be more affectionate and resolution driven. you can also find yourself having a strong desire to love in ways you never have.
you may crave relations. it’s easy to be dependent on others for your own happiness. be aware of absorbing energy. be aware of people pleasing. maintain your boundaries even in light relations. loving energy is within & reflected around you. you are love this season.
Sag placements, venus will come into opposition with your placements. that will bring external situations that make you confront love and financial issues. you will be more affectionate just like gemini but youll see tension between where you want to go & where you’re going
whatever brings you pleasure and comfort will be tested by external forces. when venus goes retrograde, it is damn near.. highly likely that that person you’ve been waiting on an apology for or whomever, will come back for communication. things may really flip for you.
you’ll be more in touch with your emotions. you can feel lonely & crave love. don’t settle for cheap love. although, this tension & these emotions allow you to express how you feel & can lead to peaceful resolutions with past relations. i see you wanting to start something new
Pisces & Virgo placements, before you reach that satisfication, sociable and lighthearted loving energy, you may see hardship and obstacles. ultimately you have power to overcome any issues but you will have to make tougher decisions and choose you. self love and boundaries, 🔑
You will be forced out of your comfort zone or forced out of what you’ve been used to. The thing is, YOU will have to be the one to step up and go after what you want. that doesn’t mean chase. You have to give love first and this is why it’ll be a heart vs mind battle.
If you use people.. if you beg for short term enjoyment and if you overindulge in the wrong things, nothing good will come from it. Channel this Venus in Gemini lighthearted energy into a journey worth continuing.
You will need to speak up. Most likely to a Fire/Air sign. Embrace. You’ll try to fight it. Don’t. You are love. This is a huge opportunity for you to bust out on the scene and finally have the love you want.
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