So I just wanna make a quick thread for the hoes out there !
So I was raised by a really religious jehovah's witness mom meaning I couldn't be a fag... so when I moved out at 19 to go live in SF I took in so much dick !
And the dick was good and abundant, even when I wasnt really being safe or worrying about my wellbeing. Luckily I was never hurt, just screamed at from upset trade... I would advise that you always have safe sex, coming from someone who started taking prep and just didnt.
Wear condoms, communicate with your sexual partners, before the clothes are off really ask the questions that will impact you after theyve cum and left...if you listen to what people have to say they reveal more about themselves than you'd think
Then I found love through a grindr hookup, but we talked for hours before we even kissed. I was visiting friends for spring break but after spending a beautiful night of talking and having safe sex with this man, we kept our relationship going!
He never made me feel weird for asking for safe sex, he was fully supportive and loving. Now my gemini ass doesnt trust people easily but with him it felt natural
In the beginning of our relationship we agreed to be polyamorous to allow ourselves to explore our sexuality and preferences, however we recognized that the intimate, emotional relationship belonged between just us.
and me being more of a hoe I was always scared of getting bored and I have trust issues from a previous relationship/ that we were gonna get tired of long distance but we communicated whenever things felt tense...
Over time I had hookups in this relationship and heres the whole point of this thread... you risk alot more in hookups than you realize, there is an energy exchange, that lingers with you even weeks after that person has come into your space...
My partner was okay with me hooking up with strangers as long as I was being safe. After this relationship had started I got tested and started prep because now I'm not only responsible for myself but another.
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