Security Saturday - VPNs

Using a VPN protects your privacy which helps your security - on your computer, and your mobile phone. It's one of the 3 big things you can do to dramatically improve your privacy and security.

So if this is new ground for you - where to start? 👇
Two things to remember:

1. If you're not paying for the product, YOU ARE the product. "Free" VPNs are making money from you some other way - avoid free VPNs;

2. We are all in different situations - you'll need to do some research and make a choice..

Let's dive in 👇
My "go to" starting point lists over 180 VPN providers, and categorises them so you can easily filter and sort and select what's important to you.

Have a read of the advisories on how to choose a VPN and then you can download the entire list 👇 
There are a LOT of different categories so here's how I culled the list down:

- Enemy of the internet - Jurisdictions that are actively hostile to internet privacy
- Logs IP Address

Now you can browse through the other categories and figure what matters to you? 👇
If you travel internationally, lots of access points are important. If you want anonymity of payment, then payment methods are important. Then there are many advanced technical capabilities, ethics statements and so on. And of course price 🤔

Don't get lost in the detail 🤪 👇
Have a look at a few and make a choice.

Install the software everywhere you use internet access, and give yourself a pat on the back!

You've taken a concrete step for *your* privacy! 🙌
You can follow @BTCSchellingPt.
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