We finished a 1000 piece puzzle the first week of social distancing so for Easter I got myself something a bit more complex
She got another puzzle, I've opened box 1 of 6, and we both have some brandy
Part 1 is done, already some gears are moving, very satisfying. But I'm out of brandy so going to bed
The gearbox is in place. This is a really complex thing, I need to spend some time understanding how it works.
Engine is on the way, and the puzzle has the entire edge done
Engine done, and so am I for tonight. And yes, I've been tempted over to my competitors side for a bit and puzzled together a few pieces.
Box 2 has been opened, but not on the dinner table, since it's a coworking space during the work week, as demonstrated by my puzzling opponent.
Two large chunks coming together
Jeg bygde videre i kveld, for avslappningens skyld. Denne girgreia blir ganske fancy!
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