Officially finished with my first week of remote teaching of ... Remote Sensing πŸ€”πŸ›°οΈπŸ€£ @UTAustin @txgeosciences. While I am sure there is *much* room for improvement, all else considered, I'm pretty happy with how things went πŸ€·πŸ™‚ (1/10)
Used @zoom_us, and there were no major technical glitches in a class of 22 students! 🀞🀞 that trend continues, although I probably just jinxed myself... 😬😬 (2/10)
The cloud recording also worked very smoothly, and I was easily able to record & post my lectures in segments so that students can watch as their schedules allow. (3/10)
Thanks to the AWESOME tech support @txgeosciences, I was also able to get my students remote access to the @GeoByHarris ENVI computer software we've been using all semester for lab, which is the major experiential part of the class learning πŸ™‚πŸ›°οΈπŸ’» (4/10)
I know I'm fortunate to have things generally easy in that I remain in a secure job, and that me and my family are safe/healthy with minimal disruption to our childcare. But I've still had a lot of anxiety over the last several weeks, like most (all?) people I would bet... (5/10)
On top of that, I had a few research grants rejected this week, which is always a crummy feeling. BUT, being back in the classroom, if only virtually, was awesome and reminded me how lucky I am to have a job I love 😁😁. (6/10)
Even though the same immediate feedback isn't there in a virtual classroom, it's still great to get questions and know the students are there listening πŸ™‚. I'd also like to offer my most sincere thanks to the inventor of the πŸ‘ & πŸ‘ reactions for @zoom_us - amazing 😁🀣. (7/10)
I have also noticed I'm getting Qs from different students than normal, sent via private chat, which is awesome!! I wonder if anyone has good ways to incorporate this kind of non-public-forum question asking into an in person class?? (8/10)
Working to get a passable class online in ~2 weeks has also given me *immense* respect for teachers who have mastered this skill. Wow πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ (9/10)
Anyways, it's really nice to be back in the classroom, if not in the usual form for me πŸ™‚, and to know my students are staying safe and healthy. Happy Friday y'all! 😁😎🀘 (10/10)
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