I've never seen Alien before. I'm watching it now, I have questions. Why is there a cat? Why are they smoking on the space ship?
Is that the actress from Witches of Eastwick who pukes cherry stones?
Woah. His head came off!
A robot? Covered in jizz?
Oh dear. Everyone's dead apart from Sigourney!
Oh hang on! They're not! Theyre in cocoons!!!
No. They're dead now.
It's all exploded. But as I know there are sequels,I'm assuming it's on her escape ship?
She saved the cat! Is it in the cat????
It wasn't in the cat.
She shot it out the ship. Whilst singing a song. It's like a musical. I bet theres something in the cat though.
Does the cat get to go in one of the sleep pods too?
Oh it finished! What I took from this film was that curly hair with a fringe is badass and I should definitely cut myself a fringe in!
So many cat questions! Was there a space cat litter tray? Who allowed a cat on board? Does the cat become an integral part of the storyline in later films?
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