My questions to @AamAadmiParty @ArvindKejriwal @narendramodi @BJP4India and to the people organizing the Markaz.
1. PM said in front of SAARC that screenings were started from mid-january then how did foreigners in #NizamuddinMarkaz reach there in March?
2. To Organizers - When there was strict instructions by the govt. to not indulge in social gatherings, why did this event take place?

3. Health Ministry announced #coronavirus is not a health issue on 13th March. Why did they do that? Is there any punishment for that?
4. When there's a police station near where the event was organized, how did police did not know about the gathering?

5. What is the status of testing kits, masks and what are the measures taken for the people who are fighting the virus on the frontline?
6. @AamAadmiParty how didn't your members know about this event? Why didn't your party take any action or contact the organizers before the event took place?
7. When Indore was declared as one of the cleanest cities. How did people get the virus there? Is it not because of the stupid Thaali bajao idea that led people to dance on streets?

8. Why did the BJP MLA organized oath-taking ceremony gathering so many people?
9. Why is media not asking questions about Ceasefire AI company of Noida having a foreigner #Covid_19 positive trainer and infects many employees?

10. Why is media treating stupid ideas like thaali and diya as art? Why isn't the media asking the right questions? @aajtak @ndtv
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