It is during times like these when things are upside down, that humans are able to see what they thought was normal & required in life may not be. When the systems break, we start to see that we don't have to live the way we have. Will we kill the unreality that was or go back?
Can you see beyond how you used to be and how life was to something different?

Different money?
Different purpose?
Different priorities?
Different reasons for living?

It is right there. We want to go back to "how life was" we think, but do we really? What was that life?
We've programmed generation after generation that how we are is how we have to be. We all do it. We raise our kids to give them the "best life" and then they spend their lives raising their kids to give them the "best life", but we rarely stop to consider what that means.
4/ We live in misery often. Chasing happiness that doesn't really exist. Peace is what we seek, but our lives are filled with propped up expectations of joy. We live in a model created before us little by little generation after generation. Does it have to be that way?
To me this is a once in existence opportunity to shift out of what is expected or what we think we desire and ignore the "best life" we thought we wanted. Why should we spend our lives trying to fit a model or raise kids to have their "best life", but none of us get it.
How does it look when humans say fuck it to what was? What do the powers that we installed do if we do that?

Can you just look around the corner a little bit and see a better existence?

As chaotic, painful, and difficult as this all is, there is potential to throw it out.
Potential to live the best life of peace without the constant scurrying for more. How do we make that happen? How do all humans reject what was?

There is a select minority of the population that wouldn't have it, but there is a massive majority that may want to see better.
I'd like to see what can be, but it seems overwhelming to try, but what if we all decided at once that this life we've lived isn't what we want next?

What would happen?

What are your thoughts?
Think about this... The Federal Reserve now has a mandate to print unlimited money. What does that mean? Did you ever even think that was possible? How did we get to the point where that could happen? Maybe everything we thought was real was a lie.
This isn't just about money. It is about the reality we thought we had. We live in our little niche of the planet. We work, eat, feed & raise kids(if we have them). We struggle. We stress. We get by. Is that life, getting by? Is that what we leave to the next folks?
Why can't this whole thing be broken up? Why do we have to continue the way we were? Are we just going to roll back into this with an even crazier insane struggle with most of the planet unemployed and freaking out?
My kids are in the other room watching a movie with their mom. They don't know what is next, but they don't like what is. We've created a cycle of competition and consumption and labor that sucks life out of life. Why should we do that? Why do we do that? What could be?
I don't have the definitive answers, but seriously considering how I'm going to live after it is safe to go out and even before I want to plan for it. I want to move into a life that actually matters.
I may keep adding to this thread as I think through it. I welcome thoughts, ideas, and your goals for starting over. That is what we can do here, start over. We don't have to be what we were.
I'm not going to be. Not sure that governments or borders matter anymore. Identity and country are myths anyway. Our existence is created in our minds and we shape it into what we live, but none of it is real. Science tells us our form isn't real.
Let me know your thoughts on my crazy thoughts.
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