sacral chakra thread

after 6 months of working, healing, and balancing the root chakra, i’ve been given the green light to move up to the sacral chakra. this is what i’m discovering thus far x
first off, chakras move in and out of alignment. by working on one chakra for months, i’ve discovered & mastered the tools i need to balance when it’s off. i didn’t put a time to how long it’d take. i don’t know how long this one will take me.
i realized it was a sacral chakra issue because of
-excessive lower back pain, -abstinence obviously stores the energy
- stretching into my hips hurts. the energy released is intense and hot as i open up.
the sacral chakra holds our creativity, our approach to relationships, and our sexuality. when unbalanced, you can experience fear and anxiety. you can experience fear of abandonment. guilt, regrets. nothing seems good enough, not even yourself.
you can search and try to maintain control. you can obsess over partnerships and feel like they’re crumbling. it’s how you relate to your family, your friends, your lovers and when these relations are out of wack, it can signify a sacral chakra issue.
the sacral chakra also houses sexuality. i’ve found the key indicator of sacral chakra to be sexual frustration. sacral chakra energy can feel like fear but when stirring the energy, like in yoga & hip stretches, the chakra arouses. i feel horny after yoga every time.
power is stuck. when power cannot be expressed creatively through artistic mediums like painting, dancing, & sexual connection, the power turns into anger, fear, dissatisfaction, & a general sadness. youre unable to have fun or participate in relationships with confidence.
the sacral chakra is a key part of the personal identity and when blocked or unbalanced, we start searching for ourselves in external situations rather than allowing the power within to flow outwards. we act from unhealthy ego.
the sacral chakra is all about expression and empowerment, spiritual freedom & liberation. liberation comes through embracing our erotic energies, through being creative and dancing. liberation is freedom is power. power allows you choices to create a life you wish to live.
as i go thru this process, i’ll figure out what practices work for me. as always, yoga is one of them. reading is one of them. dancing. watching movies. being in nature. reiki. if you feel a release with an activity, that’s a balancing method. you will find what works for you.🦋
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