I have many thoughts on the info we’ve received today. But before any of that I want to say what a tremendous job @fordnation is doing. He continues to be clear, direct and heartfelt. He called Trump out for his unspeakable actions today, something we all needed to hear. 1/
He chose to adopt radical transparency by releasing modelling & making data publicly available going forward. This will force other jurisdictions to do the same and it will save lives. Not just by communicating the gravity of what we face but will help us hold govt to account 2/
He also cares. I mean really cares. You can hear it in his voice. And I think we all needed to hear that too. Politicians all care, they truly do. You don’t chose that life if you don’t value public service. But in times like this we need to hear emotion from our leaders. 3/
I, like many of us, am scared. But hearing the facts (as we know them today) I feel more prepared. Today was a tough day but the right thing to do. I’m truly grateful to all my friends in political offices at all levels who are working 24/7 to keep us safe. Thank you.
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