Telling people not to use Zoom at this point is pointless. Nothing else really works across platforms and devices. But:
1. Zoom needs to be held to account for their clown show of security incompetence; if you’re in a position of (say) negotiations with them on a volume deal or whatever, bring it up. Make sure they know you’re going to follow up on it, and it’s making you investigate alternatives.
2. If you’re a zoom user, in the coming weeks I will bet money you’re gonna see a looot of updates, regardless of platform. *Install them all, right away*. There are lots of attacks and they’re all quite serious; you want the fixes day&date.
3. If you’re a competitor, this is a great time to not be a farcical incompetent, but also maybe take your usability and reliability issues more seriously? I’m looking at you, free software stans. Jitsi doesn’t “just work”.
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