Victim blaming with a bit of sophistry n righteousness.
Most men of X community, I know r decent guys. So quite clearly women are lying about some other men I don't know from X community.
I don't think caregivers in any other country are going through such horrid victim blaming
Based on handful of experiences (not sure what sort ), even caregivers who are risking their lives are being tarnished for cheap secular brownie points.
So the picture of state complicity in denying adequate care to minorities can be painted. So that more people beat up doctors!
This is such a terrible insinuation on the doctors and nurses who are working in the worst of conditions. To accuse them of lacking professional integrity by discriminating against patients, is by itself hideous. And then the added blame of concocting sexual harrassment charges.
It's quite astounding to see how every other liberal value is subsumed under pandering to Islamism. That is probably the only certificate worth holding.
Even if you end up coming across like a hypocrite of the highest order.
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