Will try to clear up some myths about COVID19 based on latest data:

(1) This virus was bioengineered by (insert govt of choice).
Verdict: Untrue.
Data suggests: Biological origins. CoV detected in humans as far back as 1966. Strong homology to existing viruses.
(2) Not worse than flu.
Verdict: Almost certainly not true.
Data: Most conservative rates (taking into account selection biases) of mortality are 1.2%. Much higher than flu. Also basic science suggests mechanism of higher infectious ability for SARSCoV2.
(3) Virus dies naturally in ~12hours w/o host (postulated by Modi govt in early days of infection).

Verdict: Largely untrue.
Data: Virus stable on cardboard/plastic/metal for longer.
(4) Virus will disappear in summer.

Verdict: Unknown.
Data suggests: CoV family (particularly MERS) has shown strong evidence of stability in very warm environments.

Even if true, would be a temporary reprieve before 2nd wave of infection.
(5) Children are immune.

Verdict: Completely untrue.

Data: Have unequivocally better outcomes, but are susceptible to infection. Can be devastatingly successful carriers.
(6) Once I’ve had it, I’m immune.

Verdict: Unknown, but possibly true.

Data: Very little. Unclear how long antibodies produced by our bodies will last (will it be lifelong like Chickenpox, or a few months like flu).

Some anecdotal (contested) reports re: reinfection.
(7) Only spread via air droplets.

Verdict: True w/ a likely caveat.

Data: shows high viral load from rectal swap, suggesting possible oral-fecal route (don't worry, just make sure to wash your hands after you drop your brown kids off at the pool).
(8) Virus can float in the air.

Verdict: Untrue, at least in way it is being perceived.

Data: CoV2 can travel via air droplets same way flu does. It cannot 'float' in the air the way, for example, measles does.
(9) Affects only the lungs.

Verdict: untrue.

Data: Infects any organ that has ACE2 expressed on cells. This protein is widely expressed (at varying levels) in your body, particularly high on lungs. But CoV shows impact on liver, brain, spleen, etc.
(10) Therapy 'x' can treat COVID19

Verdict: Case by case.

Data: Most current therapies are treating symptoms. Remdesivir - to my knowledge - is a strong candidate, but is not specific to SARSCoV2. Therapies are coming, but please use a high skeptical threshold re: reports.
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