I’ve decided to create a questions thread. So here goes...

1. What’s one valuable lesson you learned growing up?
2. What’s a skill you possess that you’re glad you have?
3. Have you ever fallen out with a friend and what did you learn from that?
4. Have you worked to change any bad behaviours from your past? If so, what have you tried to change about yourself?
5. If you had to pick 3 goals to achieve in the next 5 years, what would they be?
6. If you have ever been heartbroken, what did you learn from your biggest heartbreak?
7. If you have ever been in love, how did you know you loved that person?
8. If you had to select your top three personality/character traits, what would they be?
9. When you think about your future, what are you most excited about?
10. When you think about your future, what are you most worried about?
11. If a stranger read a book about your love life, how might they describe it?
12. What’s one of your fondest memories from your early childhood?
13. Is there anything you could do in your friendships which would make you a better friend?
14. Is there anything you could do in your romantic relationships which would make you a better partner?
15. If someone asked you when you were last proud of yourself, what would you say?
All done! I can’t wait to read your answers ❤️ ☺️
You can follow @t0nit0ne.
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