Dear Tweeters,

I want to share a new project we’re doing @wbur to document and better understand how this pandemic is affecting peoples’ work and financial lives.

We’re calling it #myCOVIDeconomy

(THREAD 1/5)
As this crisis unfolds, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by numbers: the number of cases and deaths, the volatile stock market, the unemployment rate ...

But behind every data point is a PERSON whose economic life has been turned upside down.

And to make sure we don't miss these human stories, we're asking for your help. We're collecting answers to this basic question: 

How has the coronavirus crisis changed your work or financial life?

Have you been laid off ... or had to shutter a business? Have you found a new job ... or is business suddenly booming? How are you getting by?

In short, if this pandemic has caused a major change in your economic life, we want to hear about it.

You can follow @ManyAdrians.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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