this video is upsetting on so many levels but since i primarily organize around transportation & related issues, i wanted to bring something out about the first few seconds around that topic. just LOOK at that line of cars into the food bank. 1/
the Pittsburgh community food bank as seen from google maps. notice where it is, and how to get to it, and what other infrastructure is around it. 2/
The red line is the road with the line of cars. the yellow box is the nearest bus stop.
There's basically 2 roadways to get in, one of which starts a mile away, and 1 busstop that is a 10 min walk away. what does this built environment say about the role of charitable food distribution in pittsburgh? what does it say about who it prioritizes?
Just think about who is excluded from this just by the nature of where it's built. In 2016, 23.4% of households in this city did not own a vehicle. How are they supposed to access this?
Not only that but I'm certain that many people who do own a car, and waited 5 hours to get in, ran out of gas, and now have to pay for that. literally just getting somewhere to survive, costs poor people money.
when rAdIcAL UrbAnIsts such as myself say #bancars, this is the shit we are talking about: the very built environment that makes this sort of hellscape possible.
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