Ramadan in Quarantine [Thread]

Masjid uncles hold family taraweeh in their homes, still don't have a section for the women of the house
muslim dudes have iftar and taraweeh entirely with their quarantined families, still text girls "hey u looked cute at iftar lol"
amina aunty from the masjid tries to have a neighbors' iftar, stating it will be fewer than 10 people. she actually lives in the chicago suburbs, 86 people show up, 9 COVID+. the quarantine police are called. amina aunty spends the night in jail
baba of the house decides on 8 rak'ah taraweeh. son plans to pray 8, leaves after 4 to get ice cream in the kitchen
muslim dude somehow does LESS than absolutely nothing all day, still doesn't help with iftar. "we're in a pandemic lol too risky." still eats more than and before his sisters
baba and mama of the house have a disagreement over calculation method for fajr. feud boils over and the son leads a separate fajr jamaat for mama
group zoom iftars are held. lots of companionship-starved people fall in love with strangers over freezer samosas and dates. ramadan is ruined
baba of the house has fund rasier on the 27th of ramadan. goal of $500 to cover electric and gas bills. target not met, baba tries again at family jumuah announcements. fails again. deducts from kids' eid money.
interfaith iftar held by masjid president with 3 white neighbors. president abdullah does not let Linda enter unless she puts on a hijab. president abdullah proceeds to tell neighbors how much muslims love jesus
one neighbor, fred, takes shahadah on 29th of ramadan. immediately after shahadah, abdullah tells him to change his name to fareed
baba schedules i'tikaaf and tahajjud at 2am. no one attends after day 2, not even baba
moonsighting vs calculation feud between mama and baba. two different eid salaahs are held. neither are valid
māshā’allāh, this thread seems to have struck a nerve with boys who haven’t been helping their moms.

PS. don’t come after me with your simp jokes. happily married, alhamdulillah. there are reasons to want better treatment for women other than to woo them. what a thought!
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