Starting a thread on my experience at a nursing student being called to work in a Coronavirus unit
We (my clinical group) will be starting mid-April, on the 21. We have been asked to start at West Jefferson and do 12 hour rotations.
I’ve been informed that it will specifically be a coronavirus unit ran by various students, faculty, and hospital staff. These patients will be tested positive more than likely, but they will not be ICU patients that are on ventilators.
We will be put through N95 fittings, proper PPE training, medication administration, nurse technician duties, and our school is updating us as frequently as possible- this is a rapidly changing situation where things and plans will change constantly.
I just want to clarify what our schedule will look like :

pharmacology exam- 4/17
clinical (2 x 12 hours) - 4/21 and 4/22
foundations exam- 4/23
clinical (2 x 12 hours) 4/25 and 4/26
pathophysiology exam -4/27
clinical (2 x 12 hours)- 4/28 and 4/29
Our cumulative final exams follow days after these rotations. This is an honor to be a part of. I am excited to be put on the “front lines”. I am just worried that my academic performance in theory courses will tank and I will fail. I just want to be able to say at least I tried
This is about as much information that I have right now, this thread is also partially documentation for me to keep details. I will be updating as I learn more about what we will be doing, and when clinical actually starts I will have more jnteeesting things to tell! Thanks!
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