A lot of folks are asking me about Far Verona Season Two. We’ve had conversations in bits and pieces but I wanted to make sure folks knew what was going on. I’m sorry it’s taken the time it has. I’ve been talking with the cast, friends and my counsellor about it. Here’s a thread.
JP and I spoke about this a bit during the most recent Q&A, and I’ve provided a text version of that below. It was a broad statement meant to address the show, rather than the issue itself.

I want to take responsibility for this directly and speak to the harm it did.

I'm going to be taking some time off to reflect and work with an accountability partner on this, so my replies may be sporadic, for a time.

All I ask is that you respect the privacy and wishes of the other cast members on this. Please don't harass or make demands of them.
You can follow @skinnyghost.
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