I just drove to campus so that I could upload a file to my Google drive from the parking lot.

It took less than one minute.

At home it would take 4 hours. And I couldn't even just wait it out because our connection kept resetting.

So you know.

Maybe your students aren't liars
Some more context
The drive is 45 minutes each way.
I had to bring my 3 children.
I was afraid of being confronted by campus police.

(I'm on the #DontTazeMeBro campus. I was in undergrad when that happened. I have had several tense interactions with UPD as a disabled student.)
I am fortunate that I am not even in classes right now. I'm just trying to do my dissertation work (albeit in new and... "Scrappy" ways). I have an extremely supportive advisor and committee.

But I see the way some faculty are talking about their students and I am so frustrated.
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