The incompetence of @realDonaldTrump not preparing our nation for the #CoronaVirus has ended 113 months of @BarackObama's job growth that started in 2009.

In the past two weeks, 10 million Americans have filed 1st time unemployment claims.
Unemployment rose to 4.4% #NC13 /1
701,000 jobs lost in March.
459,000 of those jobs were in the service, hospitality sector. Restaurants & Bars.
Blue Collar Jobs 18,000+
Construction 29,000+
The #workingclass need an infrastructure plan ready to go, when the pandemic is over. /2
Interest rates are 0%. Now is the time to do it. Rebuild roads, bridges, rail-roads, and electrical grids. Move our nation from fossil fuel to clean energy. Create a program to install solar panels on every American home and connect them to our new electrical grid. /3
There are 1000’s of schools that need rebuilding. There are millions of children we need to educate to become our future engineers, builders, tradesmen, Doctors and Nurses. The last time I looked. We still need carpenters, mechanics, plumbers and electricians. /4
We must empower our public-school systems to educate these people to rebuild our county. Increase Teacher PAY. Fund our schools. Elevate our nation. This is our chance to reach for the Moon. We are in the 21st century. It’s time we started acting like it and move forward. /5
Fund our medical and scientific research programs. Do not let those discoveries, paid for by taxpayers, be patented by Corporations for profit. We need to plant trees to combat deforestation. This will stop the environmental pollution of our waters. Trees will consume co2's. /6
Also, this one time payment of $1,200 is not enough. We will need it again. We are heading towards a Depression that is going to make the Great Recession & Great Depression look like a blip on a radar screen. It's going to be a #MonsterousDepression. /7
Also, talk and learn from our greatest generation whose shoulders we stand on. Talk to our seniors. They know the mistakes and lessons learned from our past. They fought the depression, WWII and can share those lessons to our generations now. They are in their 80's & 90's. /8
If we don't learn from them. We will repeat those mistakes again. It is the responsibility of our Government, Federal, State and local to act and to act now. The American people, the working-class folks have always been there. /9
It’s time we elected leaders who will give all the tools to our working-class Americans now.

I am running for Congress because I still believe Government is GOOD.

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