Star-Crossed AU for idv!! :Dc

"Star-Crossed" is the name of my original universe about stars taking humanoid forms to help people's wishes come true!

more info in the thread ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
For more info on this universe just check this thread i made in 2018 lol nothing really changed?? some stuff were added but this is just to get the main gist
I went into this making this thinking I'd just place them in the universe but I ended up finding equivalents for two pairs,, :))

Luca and Tracy are basically Zodiac and Oliver-- the former being a runaway prisoner from space escaping execution (for a crime thats not really +
+ their fault) and the latter being a lonely mechanic wasting his younger days away in the workshop his parents left him, deprived of a stable life

Eli and Aesop are basically Sirius and Mikayla-- the former being an admiral looking for Zodiac (they assumed twas to arrest them +
+ again, but he really just wants to understand and befriend them) and the latter being a regular girl in highschool she did nothing wrong omg

Naib, Norton, and Emma currently have no equivalents,,, jsjsjs
Naib is Norton's star, he keeps him grounded and even though they argue a lot, they both care for each other and keep each other sane (Naib balances out Norton's wackiness, while Norton helps w Naib's unease)

Emma used to have a star similar to Eli (who gave her +
+ the ability to see other stars) but abandoned her wish and by extension, abandoned that star. She now houses stars that turned into monsters in her plant shop.

nOW FOR NAMES???? this isn't in the og thread as this is a newly developed concept but stars give +
+ their humans names, so it's some sort of identification that only they use.

Eli calls Aesop "Casket" (noticed his preference to the dead)
Naib calls Norton "Magnet" (the latter's having of odd acquaintances is akin to magnet-- he attracts every kind of person, good or bad.)
Luca calls Tracy "Robot" (her first impression was very stoic and emotionless, and her obsession with finishing her father's work led him to call her so)

idk whats up with Emma lol she's just weird

i might add to this thread if i come up w more things uwu
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