I don't want to risk a prosecution failing, so I have to technically introduce these details with terminology that suggests they're 'alleged' (though I obviously trust the allegation enough to narrowcast it).
That said: Will Owen aka @neotoxic is a rapist.
I've never used an anonymous account like this before, so I feel compelled to explain why I'm doing so now... Simply: I don't want to help identify a victim that's known to me. They should be afforded anonymity in this, including in the world outside the legal system.
I notified the Police of the details in 2013, 2018, 2019 and this year. I also discussed and notified them of my intention to do this (ie. to disseminate the 'allegation' and attempt to minimise the risk to others).
It would be surprising if William Owen aka @neotoxic didn't attempt to retaliate, as he does, with misdirection and obfuscation, or to seek punishment for not cowing to his own perceived sense of superiority...
.. or if he didn't attempt paid-for action to legally suppress this disclosure...
.. but I'm obviously documenting his behaviour in this manner because I have evidence (which, as said, I've provided the Police, and discussed with them as the basis of defending the legality of this announcement).
I can only do this once, today, so Will can't abuse the law by suggesting this is technically harassment. If I limit this announcement to this occasion only: it's not. So this is my only opportunity to share the truth without censorship.
If you think you can help protect those who could be future victims, you might, obviously, choose to retweet this thread, but obviously I have no way to influence whether you choose to protect anyone or not. That's reliant on your own conscience.
But- to be absolutely, concisely clear: the evidence confirms Will Owen, aka @neotoxic, is a rapist.
Please ensure as much care as possible is taken to educate and inform those that could be placed at risk from William Owen, and offer support to anybody you have reason to believe is already effected.
Thanks for your time and consideration. Take care, stay safe, good luck.
You can follow @Tapanuli41.
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