Bitching, a thread:
We’re constantly being told by our intellectual betters that rural areas are
-bad for the environment
-full of guns and racism
and so on and so on..
That we need to embrace cities and all they offer. “Better” food, mass transit, culture..
We’re told our kids will be more well educated in the cities, be exposed to more ideas and new ways to do things.
We’re told that only rednecks, hicks, hillbillies, white trash and backwards people live in the country. That hunting, fishing, growing your own food..
..and being prepared for things like civil unrest and national or global panic is weird and outdated.
I could go on for hours.. but as I sit in my country, with its 4 people per square mile, zero virus cases (yet, but I know it’s coming), and more guns and cows than people..
..with no appreciable crime and no real worry other than for my loved ones and fellow Americans.. I wonder how those pompous story-writing city folks feel now. I wonder if they’ll still laugh at us garden planters and hunters as the years go by.
In reality, I know they will. NY, LA et al will always look down on flyover country. That’s fine, we laugh at them too. The difference is that my family & my people are prepared to survive for as long as we need to. We’re dependent on nobody.. that’s not something they can say.
What some of them don’t know is.. we might snicker at you, but if you ask we’re willing to help. We’ll teach you to shoot, fish, grow, build.. We’re made that way.
That said, I’ve seen a lot of out of state plates the last few weeks.
We’ll be keeping an eye on you.. trust but verify and such.. but remember where you fled to when this is all over.. the next time The NY Times runs an article about us hicks and hillbillies.
You can follow @rshackelford14.
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