For a lot of Japanese anime/manga/video game/show character (especially media supposedly aimed at teenagers) I head canon add about 10 years to their canon age because a lot of things line up better.
Sailor moon is 22 instead of 14. She’s just graduated college but is living with her parents. She still has no idea what she wants to actually do, and currently works part time at an arcade. Mercury is starting grad school, Mars is taking over the family shrine
Auron from FFX is 50 instead of 35. Nothing else about him is different, he’s still a crotchety older man with some grey hairs that’s past his prime but can still beat the shit out of you. (Omfg you guys, 35 is not old, chill tf out!!)
The kids from Boku No Hero Academia are 18-20. After highschool they had to attend a 2 year program that’s just paperwork and learning laws and legalities. It’s so boring but you need a moderately good score to get into hero college
The Gundam Wing pilots are 25. They are young and idealistic, but honestly don’t have a ton of life/social experiences and are thus a bit emotionally stunted. Relena Peacecraft is also 25 and has been involved in peaceful protests and campaigning while perusing a doctorate
Anyway so many of these characters are in highschool?? And then never show them doing homework?? And I don’t understand why?? If it’s not a show specifically addressing the problems of being 16, why not make them 25???
Thank you Agretsuko for addressing the problems of a recent graduate who has accepted a boring office job and is just trying to figure out what to do next
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