You're sitting at home waiting for a stimulus check❓

Let that sink in.

You're waiting for help...

What if it doesn't come? ⏰

DON'T wait any more.

Go out and do what you can.

Take OWNERSHIP of your money.

No one is coming to save you.
@204tweed made over $3k being an affiliate for @toddbillion course THIS month.

That isn't the only project either of them are working on ☝️

@andyisom100K created a NETWORK of affiliates that's generating $1,000+ in yearly income for many.

Again, not his only game.
@HokeHustles is working on a course detailing how he made over $2k in a month affiliating for others. That's affiliating and NOW his own course.

@steventhomas09 has a HANDFUL of freelance hustles that are generating monthly income for him.
What do ALL of these above👆have in common - that you should be going after?

They're not waiting for someone to save them.

They're taking action.

They're taking ownership of their money.

Money doesn't just come to you. Money is made.

You can follow @finance_hipster.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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