Minorities have always used memes and humour to cope with the oppression they face. As a LGBTQ+ Indian Muslim, I have always used Taylor Swift LGBTQ, and Seokjin Gay and Jungkook Muslim and Taehyung hates Whites memes to cope. You can't stop us or tell us how we should cope.
BTS are public figures. They're also grown ass men that you're hell bent on sheltering just because ThE loCaLs WilL DraG them, as if they don't already. Where was this energy when all those other memes were made?? Or do you just have a problem with this one??
You asking people to not say "BTS hates fascist Modi", implies that BTS may support an Islamophobic riot orchestrating terrorist like Modi. Is this really the hill you wanna die on??

Either way, if you have a problem with what I say, block and move on.

Also, BTS hate Modi.
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