Hey, @FreedomMobile your current behaviour is gross. My 70+ mother has been told that her phone will be cut off. Like many seniors, she lives entirely off of her CPP. Also like many seniors, she doesn't use much technology, and can't afford internet anyway. Thread...
She also doesn't have a credit card, and that is the problem. Every month she walks down to the @FreedomMobile booth at the mall and pays her bill in cash. Now that the stores are closed, she can't. I understand that the closures are not your fault but it's not hers either.
Her basic flip phone with a basic plan is her only communication right now. If something were to happen, she can't contact anyone. During this time that can not be an option. She is perfectly willing to put the money aside and pay multiple months when it's possible.
But she was told that your company ( @ShawInfo ) that did over $3.8B in sales can't wait a few months for full payment from someone over 70. You are taking away an essential need at an essential time. From someone willing to pay.
I'm with @FreedomMobile as well. You can be guaranteed that when places are open again, that will not be the case. You must fix this for her and all other seniors like her. Postpone their payments. #canpoli @CarpAdvocacy @OntarioNDP @AndreaHorwath @NDP @sduvall07
I have some faith left that @FreedomMobile and @ShawInfo will do the right thing here. Please, don't destroy that last amount of faith I have for society.
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