Last night my grandma died alone in the hospital. After a long with cancer, infections and bacterial pneumonia, she is no longer suffering. Her death was not #COVID19 related but due to this pandemic my family and I were not able to be with her in her time of need. (1/)
We were able to schedule limited time yesterday to be with her, during which we had to be fully suited in a gown, gloves, and mask. We could have no skin to skin contact. My grandpa was not able to hold his wife’s hand as he said goodbye. (2/)
Due to this pandemic, there are people spending there last moments alone in a hospital bed. Please take this into consideration when you continue to go outside, refuse to listen to these orders to social distance. (3/)
We all miss going out, visiting with friends, eating at our fav restaurants. But it is not worth it when so much suffering continues bc some people refuse to listen. Please stay inside for the people and families who cannot be with the ones they love in their final moments. (4/4)
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