I mean ... "pro-life" ... I guess that's dead.
"All lives matter" - that was fun while we pretended it mattered.
"Blue lives matter" - our first responders are about to discover how cynical that was.
Republican's fight against Obamacare was a fight in favor of for-profit insurance tied to employment. As millions become unemployed the ENTIRE BURDEN will fall on the government, costing us billions (trillions?) more than universal health coverage would have.
Republicans claimed to be for small businesses ... this pandemic will bankrupt more businesses than what - the last hundred years? Who knows. Half maybe. Maybe more.
Republicans claimed to be for a strong national defense. Our forces are on emergency procedures trying to stay healthy enough for limited readiness.
Republicans claimed to know how to get things done ... lol.
Republicans claimed that the free market would handle all of our problems. WELL IT CAN'T HANDLE A PANDEMIC.
Republicans argued that we ALWAYS had to lower taxes. Wouldn't it be nice to have a rainy day fund right now? Or even not a trillion dollar deficit?
I recognize that it is Trumpists - not traditional republicans - that are driving the last nails in this coffin. But it is the governance philosophies of traditional conservatives and republicans that brought us to the cliff that Trump drove us off.
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