mod here, again. i dont share much about myself bc im sure, despite the fact this whole account is about NON-binary and NON-conforming, people would definitely hate something i say. i dont share much of my views for that reason, and additionally because i want this (cont)
account to stay positive.

since this IS a non-binary account, though, i will share ONE belief: pronouns, a very gendered language, can be used for gender non-conformity and gender expression, just like dresses, a haircut, etc.
They are "gendered" in the same sense dresses and suits are. they dont HAVE to be, but socially they are. which is why people use them to express their own identity. a couple examples are drag queens using she/her, queen, etc. and he/him/they/them lesbians-
plus women and men using they/them. pronouns are a tool of language gender expression, not something that rigidly belongs to "just them" or "just us". to say such a thing is just incredibly... ignorant. people using opposite gendered language isnt "invalidating" anyone, and-
if it is to you, then this will sound really mean:

thats a you problem.

drag queens dont invalidate trans women when they wear dresses, he/him lesbians dont invalidate trans men when they say "i go by he/him!"
this is also pretty mean to say but ill say it anyway:

if someone else's appearance or expression alone triggers your dysphoria, thats NOT their fault, nor it is on them to "fix" themselves! if it's that bad, block them. your dysphoria isnt your fault, but it isnt theirs either.
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