The "China virus" is real. No question there. If you research Fauci and Birx, Bill Gates and WHO. It is obvious they are all #DeepStateCabal The question is:

Why shutdown the world?
Simply put. #QArmy #QAnon2020 It is the Largest JOINT POLICE action in the world! Led by the US! A couple of examples from here in the US. Miami:
Haiti the hospital that never got built?
I know where am I going right? LOL getting there.
The pandemic has served MANY functions.

People are home safe (Out of the way)
Bankrupting the old money (Corrupt financial system)
Reactivating US industry (needed medical supplies)
US National Guard and Marines in the areas where needed
(riot control, additional medical help..
...Assault teams with medical support teams are NOW underground)

The other day during a presser @realDonaldTrump mentioning we could save a million lives.
If there are 1 million kids underground. That would explain field hospitals and empty hospitals wouldn't it? I tweeted this earlier.
I got this response. Thank you @gemmagemimi .
Okay how can I prove about the NG and Marines?
Here we go. The Comfort and Mercy docked are for #SaveTheChildren that are from foreign countries to be returned home under the care of Medical professionals.
@StormIsUponUs dropped this tweet. Listen carefully a nurse in NY.
I don't have the right audio gear but I believe this ambulance driver says as he closes the door at about 1:30. "I lied to the kid" At the ship in California.
Now all the military gear seen on trains etc. Some will be used for this operation. The rest are replacements because of the "bad steel" we got from China. Why our guys were being killed. Weak steel my thread.
Now the ten days of darkness everybody is "worried" about. The countdown has begun. "Ten flags"
Nine Matches.
Eight people.
I have used my Logical thinking and discernment with evidence I have found to make this thread. Save all you can my brothers and sisters in uniform.

"future proves past"
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