in re: ithaka survey, particularly the bit about how directors think skills aren't present in their workforce A) sometimes that's true, sometimes it isn't and B) a locked thread I read just now justifiably points out that a lot of the time libraries....
...expect multiple, technically difficult roles to be played by a single employee while underpaying that employee compared to what they might make in private sector for the same skillset. That is usually very true.
A hard truth: with very few exceptions, libraries are *never going to be able to match what private sector pays* for these skills. So it is *highly incumbent upon us as employers* to do double-triple-quadruple effort in areas where we *can* beat the privates.
Some (most?) of that is qualitative -- e.g., a non-shitty work environment, meaningful work that makes a difference, tenure and/or at least more secure employment. But some quantitative too:
pensions. Vacation time. Research time. Self-direction. Things like that.
Management should NOT ASSUME VOCATIONAL AWE WILL CARRY THEM without having to do anything else.
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