A THREAD, for fun and because the world ending is getting depressing.
I am a bit mind blown by this! Hang in till the end!
Several years ago I was contacted by a man and asked if I wanted any of the items he had that were Prince's. I said yes, of course but I was skeptical.
We exchanged texts and emails and then he had me talk to his wife, Lauren. They were both very pleasant to me. They told me that they owned a "roving zoo" in Las Vegas and that he was known as the... wait for it... #TigerKing .
So, at 4am unable to sleep full of worry, I stumble upon this article and realize that years ago I had a virtual friendship with the villain on the Tiger King, Mr Jeff Lowe!!! I was like WHAT!? I mean, I have watched that crazy show 3 times through by now. It is a crazy show!
I had to wait until my best friend was awake to call her. OK she probably wasn't awake but I had to wait like 2 hours to call her!! I kept asking my husband "Are you awake!?" to which he replied silence because he was not. 2 long hours until 6am!
I mean. This was crazy! So crazy. I proceeded to go back through my text messages and emails and yep! There is Jeff Lowe's photo, with a tiger cub. There is his "Tiger King" self proclamation. And there, in my email was a copy of this lawsuit that is GOLD.
The lawsuit is sealed...but that (and Prince's reply!) is pure 100% solid gold Prince. He did not want the Tiger King using Prince's symbol O)~> as a way to describe who's clothing it was because that symbol was copyrighted.
In true comedy GOLD...and we can ALL use a little fun story in our life, the reply by the Tiger King (WHAT!? for real) references Oprah, @Housequake and offers up an AMAZING twist on why it is ok to use the O(~>
I hope I don't get sued for this because let's be real we all just lost all our money as the Vegas-ery casino called the stock market crashed and left us wondering what the hell just happened but this is too good not to share and I will be careful with it here.
So here we go. I am not going to share it all, but I will share a few tidbits with you that are just too damn crazy not to share and like I said, the world is nuts so let's make it fun nuts. But here we go.
So the Tiger King villain guy that framed the gay Tiger King and put him in jail (watch the show!) got the O(~> from... wait for it @Housequake ! LAUGH> OUT>LOUD!!!! Let's continue....
He then went on to say that he could totally legally use O(~> because Prince himself said that Prince was dead and to only use O(~> when referring to him. I will share that link in my next tweet because this is where @Oprah gets involved which is just more insanity.
So yep, Prince told the world he is now O(~> on the Oprah Show, which made it OK for the Tiger King villain to use that symbol now and he even included a DVD of the Oprah Winfrey show to prove it.
1986. I was a Freshmen in High School. I remember watching O)~> on Oprah and I remember when he said this. PURE. PRINCE GOLD.
Anyways there is more but I think that is enough fun for today! I mean where else can you find a plot line that includes the Tiger King Villain, Prince, Oprah and Housequake?! Now don't sue me because this was all in good fun and I don't have any money left anyways. Happy Friday!
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