I can't live with 16GB of RAM anymore. Neither with ~500GB of storage.

macOS just crashed Chrome, Teams and the bluetooth driver all at once because there was no usable RAM left (including purgeable and swap, apparently).

MBP 16" is just a matter of time now.
Also, even though I (in some cases) understand the reasons, it drives me nuts that every single f*cking application takes at least 200mb of RAM. Specially after some time running.
Right now:

@googlechrome > 1GB (3 instances, 5 tabs each, 2 dev tools open)
@MicrosoftTeams > 700mb (that damn "helper")
@Outlook > 700mb (idle, wtf)
Safari > 830mb (23 tabs)
Telegram > 200mb
Apple Messages > 200mb
@2DoApp > 200mb (HOW THE HELL)

I refuse to speak about @figma.
Honorable mentions for great memory management:

@discordapp - nice surprise, less than 100mb even after some days running non-stop
@onedrive - see @microsoft's above, taking ~70mb running for weeks
Facetime - irrelevant amount and auto-opens when my phone rings - gorgeous
Browsers (Chrome and Safari) were not that bad as most of the RAM were from pages like @twitch and ProTrader's home broker.
You can follow @igor9silva.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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