COVID-19 stays in the air for at least 6 hours after a victim has been there.
Social distancing can nearly do anything anymore.
Look at what China DIDNT tell us.
If someone that has to go out for necessity has it. It's gonna be the air for the next to walk into.
You may think social distancing is gonna work fine with it. But it won't unless we are literally quarantined to our house with NO ONE allowed to leave. Workers and all.
And to add. You can carry the virus with 0 symptoms. So you could be just fine and carry it to a store or anywhere else if you're going out for work or necessity. As said before. It'll stop when it's illegal to leave your homes no matter what but that's not obvious enough to
people ig. Hopefully this thread makes y'all realise this is what we gotta do to stop the spread.
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