Schools are closed, graduations cancelled, a huge chunk of the work force is sitting at home cause that's just how serious this pandemic is but people will fix their twitter fingers to tweet "ninomona" cause we view lobola negotiations during this time as selfish and reckless!
We'll barely be earning anything this month end. +ve covid cases are increasing exponentially, people are in hospital sick while others are lying cold in mortuaries. Hugo better bel die polisie on your parties & lobola negotiations shem. I'll even supply the airtime
Your dreams of being a wife can wait, your child's 1st birthday party can wait. Your little jogs and dog walking can wait. Your birthday dinners in Ghana can wait. Nx
We've literally had to stop working. A thing that puts food on our tables and shelters us. And you have the nerve to call us "jealous"? Really??
I'm particularly pissed off cause I had to stay here, alone instead of going home to my family all in the name of doing my bit while everyone else lives their best lives.
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