1) The COVID19 daily briefing POTUS had yesterday, may be related to the Military Motivation video below

Starting at 00:26: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=28&v=x7P2J5CR2OU&feature=emb_logo

Watch briefing starting at 1:00:40. POTUS says, "1917" three times:

#TheGreatAwakeningWorldwide #QAnon
2) POTUS stated "1917" 3 times in relation to the past flu pandemic, but the actual year this occurred was 1918. The major US event to happen in 1917, was the US officially declaring war on Germany.

#TheGreatAwakeningWorldwide #WWG1WGA #QAnon
3) By Jan. 1917, German Navy devised a plan to defeat Great Britain.

In Jan. 2017, Brexit start date began. Read article to see how the Germans feel about the UK's exit from the EU.

Could history be repeating itself?

Link to full article: https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-agony-of-brexit-for-us-germans

#Q17 #QAnon
4) In 1917, the UK codebreakers alerted the USA about Germany's attempt to form an alliance with Mexico, on the promise of helping Mexico regain territory lost in the Mexican-American War. Read excerpts on the history of MS-13.

Article: https://www.justice.gov/eoir/page/file/1043576/download

5) Compare Q Post #5 to the actions of the UN. On 11/3/2018 UN provides assistance to migrant caravans crossing Central America to Mexico. 6 DAYS LATER, UN announces USA must accept *asylum seekers* even if they do not apply for asylum at ports of entry.

This thread correlates to current events in America. Please take time to go through my #QAnon thread if you haven't already done so. Any concerns you may have regarding the #Quarantine are addressed & will hopefully give you comfort.


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