I can't adequately describe the disdain I hold for evolutionary psychologists.

They have been instrumental in justifying self interest/capitalism/colonialism as natural states for human beings; that we evolved to be brutally competitive with each other.

And it's all a lie.
Human beings didn't evolve to be brutally competitive.

We evolved to cooperate.

We evolved to relate to the world around us

We evolved to live in community by creating complex social cultures and deep social bonds.

Capitalism is antithetical to all of these things.
Capitalism is literally poisonous to us and our brains. It displaces our humanity.

We're supposed to live in community but capitalism requires isolated nuclear family units.

We're supposed to cooperate but capitalism forces us to compete with our neighbors.
The people attacking each other over toilet paper show us what happens when we don't trust our neighbors, our communities, or our societies as a whole.
This is what happens when our nature is suppressed.

We become violent and selfish.

Then capitalists (with the aid of evolutionary psychologists!) use that violence to justify their beliefs about the brutality of human nature.

It's a set up.
It's just another example of how science cannot be disentangled from the cultural values.
It's similar to an interpersonal abuse pattern.

Abusers will mistreat their targets to breaking point. When the target breaks down, the abuser uses it as evidence that target was always "crazy" and therefore deserving of the abuse.

Capitalism does this on a societal scale.
And they all wonder why trauma related mental illnesses are so ubiquitous in our societies.

Poisoned people will invariably become sick. 🙄😒

Now I have a shitty evolutionary biologist bitching to their >45k followers about me.

For the record, both my partner and I have degrees in evolutionary biology. I do in fact understand nuance.

And I still recognize evolutionary psychology for the bs it is.
*waits for blockchain to fix this mess*
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