Career & finances ♋️♏️♓️. -

A lot of you have been finding your passions and will begin using these as a source of income and as a career. For others of you, you will find a job which you feel passionate about and which really feels like something you would enjoy long term
There will be a new opportunity or has been, and you will begin to see a change for the better in your finances. Some of you may be artists of some sort or do something where you create etc. This is going to really pay off for you, and become something full time. In the past
You’ve had to deal with a lot of stagnant energy when it came to money and career, you might’ve had to take time off even because of illness or other issues. You were concerned on how you would come into abundance and what you would do with your life, or you may still be
Feeling this way. You’re being shown the way forward, you have to look hard and follow your heart. You’ve taken time to heal and now you’re ready to start a new journey and complete this cycle. So much abundance coming in you have the ace, 3, 9,10 and queen of pentacles 😍
You might also have Earth in your chart. You are going to be feeling soooo much more in your power and like you’re accomplishing your goals. A lot of you may want to work with children, animals, as an authoritative figure, in the arts, healing others or a job that
Allows you to travel the world and help people, maybe building houses for less fortunate or helping heal people I feel. That is only for a select few so please take what resonates. Whatever it is you’re doing there are great things coming for you and so much abundance. You should
Embrace your knowledge, power and passions and follow them. You have no need to worry here as I see a very stable career and future in the long run.
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