We forget Aries is the first zodiac sign? Not only a Cardinal sign, but a FIRE cardinal sign, that begins the astrological calendar. We forget Aries is the infant of the Zodiac. The energy is not naturally selfless. They have potential to bulldoze people in pursuit of their goal.
Their Greek archetype is Ares, the God of War — they will win... by any means necessary. You cannot overtake (mars) and demolish (fire) if you’re constantly worried about how your actions will be a detriment to anybody else. 1H energy, guys. It’s all about them. They learn it.
I’m a strong believer in nurture. Aries will move exactly how you move with them. They learn how to be selfish, by observing the selfish people around them. They learn how to be mean bc people are mean to them. Infant of the zodiac, very impressionable in spite of trailblazing.
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