I’ll regret tweeting this but the weeks of left vs centrist performative debate is grinding my gears.

Black voters are at the crossroads of our political moment. They’ve BEEN telling us they have left politics but will make the most pragmatic choice to protect their families.
And Black electeds *can* find themselves at that crossroads too. Yeah some are just moderate but you don’t think many of them want to be as bold as their white or white presenting colleagues? You don’t think they ever want to pop off & refuse to participate in their caucus?
The reason people dismiss the Bernie or Die language on this app is that there has been no proof of an OPERATION (not indiv) to meaningfully engage Black voters (or the south)

& to argue about values without ever formally acknowledging that cedes much of your moral high ground.
I want to debate politics, that is good. But I’m not debating through a narrow lens that excludes the people I want the politics to govern.

You can’t build a left mvmt w/o Black people. & honestly it’s been profoundly disappointing that more people aren’t saying more about that.
So much has been disappointing about the Prez primary but the willingness to throw away Black voters and the south as centrist & establishment has to be the most.

Where exactly does that live in the 240 character left v centrist debate?
Anyways, I’m done. I can’t stand when Black people fight each other over white leaders who don’t feel those consequences. Call me soft, but that shit is awful.

Catch me humble AF organizing at the intersection of left politics & pragmatic concerns for Black lives. ✌🏽
You can follow @JessicaLBYRD.
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