Want to run more but need extra motivation? It's time to get @zombiesrungame.

We're a GAME plus a THRILLING STORY plus a PODCAST. We're the best running app for iPhone & Android you've kinda heard of but never tried. Until now! 1/16
You're RUNNER 5. It's your job to rescue survivors, collect supplies, and find a cure. But Zombies, Run! isn't grimdark: it's a hopeful, thrilling story about how humans always come together in the face of adversity. 2/16
How do you play? Just put in your headphones and run! We mix our audio story with your music, so you get the best of both worlds.

No need to press buttons or look at a map – you collect supplies automatically, and if you get chased by zoms, you just need to speed up! 3/16
We are INFINITELY ADAPTABLE. We'll never punish you for just walking or jogging. We'll never tell you off for not running enough.

But if you want to run a thousand miles a year, the game will adapt right with you. We're here to make YOUR workout more fun. 4/16
Our story is WORLD CLASS. Maybe you've heard of our lead writer, @naomialderman? She wrote THE POWER, one of @BarackObama's favourite books of 2017, which is being turned into a TV show. 5/16
Or how about... @MargaretAtwood? She co-wrote a mission and even better: she starred in it. Other amazing writers include @matociquala @mightymur @bexlevene @Joannechocolat @gamecat and many more! 6/16
Want to build a base? We've got you. For every mission you complete, you earn supplies and materials to turn Abel Township, the last bastion of humanity, into a bustling settlement. 7/16
You'll also get ADORABLE emails from characters after missions! They're like in-game achievements except they actually matter. 8/16
We have STRONG REPRESENTATION because our team is diverse and we know how much it matters.

Throughout our 400+ missions, our cast features main characters from many communities, including multiple canonical LGBTQIA+ romances! 9/16
Need a challenge? Our VIRTUAL RACES put you into a thrilling 5K/10K race against time, complete with two training missions and a rich, immersive online story. They're like action movies where you're the hero! 10/16
Just starting out? We've got you. Our Zombies, Run! 5K Training app will get you from the couch to a 5K run in just eight weeks – and it comes with an epic training story. 11/16
Whoever you are, whatever your fitness level, you've got a home with us.

Our game isn't about demolishing your friends in leaderboards. It's about coming together with other runners - both real and fictional - to smash your own goals, whatever they are! 12/16
That's why we're probably the only fitness app with FAN FICTION.

There's nobody writing fics of Strava or Runkeeper but here we are with a thousand stories, endless fan art, and a welcoming community of fellow Runners Five! https://www.archiveofourown.org/tags/Zombies%20Run!/works https://twitter.com/artofEmmaSTJ/status/1222360010950356993 13/16
Finally, this year, our NEW ADVENTURES brings you a whole world of stories beyond the zombie apocalypse.

Explore a mysterious Venusian colony, stop a war between the ancient Romans and Picts, and travel America with Lewis & Clark – and more! 14/16
How much $$$ is this magic game?


You can get practically everything for free, you just need to wait a bit between missions. Don't want to wait? Just pay 67 cents per week. 15/16
You can follow @ZombiesRunGame.
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