It really bothers me the amount of retweets I see from educators around students should do nothing, how we just need to not expect from students,’s actually sad. Wtf should young people do everyday then?
More than ever, the time is now. The time is now to recreate an equitable learning framework that is centered around students, family, and outcomes, grounded in an equitable mindset.
Yes, that means we have a lot of work to do. We always have. But the work will look different. It must look different. But the enthusiasm and optimism in the work must not be lost. It can’t be. Our babies need our hope and belief.
We have ripped so many young ppl from the best part of their day. Believe it or not, more students miss being at school than not. They miss being seen. They miss being acknowledged or having someone check in with them. They miss learning and achieving.
We owe it to them to find ways to grow. we have to grow ourselves. Grow our mindsets and capacity to teach and learn virtually. Grow our compassion. Grow our hope. Grow our sense of belief that this is possible. Because it is.
I can’t see it any other way because my students can’t afford for me to. Their futures literally depend on it.
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