For those looking around, everything has been laid bare for all to see. The curtain is pulled back & we can see the Beast. Evil systems of exploitation, economic inequity, & blocked access to life sustaining resources & institutions for millions of ppl has been unveiled. #COVID19
But we can see more than that too. The values of the United States is also visible in fresh ways for those paying attention. We value the wealth of multinational corporations, CEOs, and stockholders, as more significant than the wellbeing of poor people made in God's image.
It is also all too clear that our partisan politics are death-dealing. We're incapable of grasping our shared humanity, and how our wellbeing is interconnected and bound up in the wellbeing of others. Even during this moment we choose partisanship over liberation for all people.
And the church ought to be the most embarrassed of all people. Even during a pandemic so many Christians are pursuing political, economic, & religious domination; all things Jesus rejected in his wilderness temptations. The church's imagination & witness is captive to the powers.
Most High God,
deliver us from evil.

in the name and way of Jesus our anointed liberator,
You can follow @DruHart.
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