government says i’m an essential worker. pay check says otherwise.
worked 10 hours with no break yesterday because people don’t know how to get the shit they NEED and then STAY THE FUCK HOME.
personal opinion:

nothing is going to get better if “essential workers” are still out working in theirs fields and being potentially exposed to this shit every day. what needs to happen is a set date saying “you have until this day to get ALL YOUR SHIT” and then we ALL CLOSE
for a certain amount of time in order to avoid ALL CONTACT
nothing is going to get better if i’m working at my grocery store every single day with people coughing all over shit NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES WE CLEAN IT. there’s no stopping it if the customers are the ones spreading it to the ESSENTIAL WORKERS.
i’m rambling now but i’m furious. plus my immune system is shit because i work 10+ hours a day with no breaks and i barely sleep because of this shit
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