1/Since you asked, I decided to make a separate thread... https://twitter.com/BjPerrarre/status/1245959652304658432
2/Growing up my mom (Lutheran background) was part of the charismatic renewal. At 12 I experienced what is called the "baptism in the Holy Spirit". Was an enthusiastic little Jesus Freak until I was 16, then turned my back on God & did the prodigal thing.
3/For 6 years I studied different religions & philosophies, performed music with my band, moved to San Francisco, and lived like a beatnik. Winter Solstice 1992 Jesus called me back in a dramatic way.
4/Moved back to my hometown & the Assembly of God my parents went to. Soon became Assistant Pastor there. Got my Certificate of Ministry & started working as an evangelist. While in Bible College "discovered" the Church Fathers (I know this sounds like a cliche Coming Home story)
5/I knew there was more than just the happy clappy spirituality I was familiar with, but my ingrained Romophobia from too many Jack Chick comics created some obstacles. The books of the Bp Kallistos, Fr. Gilquist, Conciliar Press & other Eastern Orthodox converts turned me East.
6/after months of reading about Orthodoxy went to a Divine Liturgy for the first time on Cheesefare Sunday. Of course I was blown away by the smells & bells. By Pascha I was sold. Was Chrismated in the Antiochian Church on Pentecost (ironically).
7/Was blessed to be in a multicultural parish with a few other converts but also enthusiastic cradle-O's. After 5 years was tonsured a Reader & became full time Pastoral Assistant. Was the model convert: grew out my beard, carried a prayer rope around, only listened to chant, etc
8/After 10 years at that parish in Ohio, moved to Denver. Ended up going to a "Western Rite" Antiochian Orthodox parish. Realized I didn't have to act Arab, Greek, or Russian to be Orthodox. Stopped the Russian peasant cosplay & embraced my Anglican roots.
9/This was in the 2000s when the Antiochians & Russians got nervous about all the Evangelical converts & turned on us. The various Orthodox Churches were falling in & out of Communion with each other. My eyes opened to the flawed ecclesiology & ethocentrism in Eastern Orthodoxy.
10/Prayed my way through the Catholic Catechism. Realized that in Communion with Rome I'd have a Complete Orthodoxy with the Eastern spirituality I loved + 2000 years of equally rich Western tradition. Then the bonus of the charismatic renewal that formed my early years.
11/was received into Communion with Rome 10 years ago through the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, but mostly attend Roman parishes. I visit the Melkites when I miss Arabic chanting. Usually go East for feast days & during Lent. Our house is full of icons.
12/have introduced my cradle Catholic wife to Eastern Christian spirituality & worship. We're raising the kids Roman, but they are familiar & comfortable with "icon church" & charismatic prsise & worship. We regularly pray Divine Mercy Chaplet (which IMO, has an Eastern flavor.)
13/Love Pope Francis & his pastoral approach. Love Catholic Social Teaching for its clarity. Appreciate the variety of spiritual resources & expressions found in the West in contrast to the one size fits all spirituality of the East.
14/The Church needs to breathe with both lungs. I'm a big ecumenist & fan of inter-religious dialog. I'm thankful for all the twists and turns I've taken in my life with Christ. We're all just beggars looking for bread//END
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