7 new Innovation because of #COVID

First is Quick-and-dirty ventilators:

Virgin Orbits squeeze bag ventilator: in a few days, engineers at Branson’s space venture,built a simple, but effective ventilator from a windshield wiper motor and pliable “AMBUBAG”.
Its a hand operated resuscitator. The device will cost under $500 as compared with $20,000 plus price tags on conventional respirators.

This one is going to basically be for all who need a ventilator but do not need a top-line ventilator
2. Detecting people with fevers in large crowds:

Scylla, sells image recognition systems that, among other things, detect guns held by individuals in large crowds of people, has adapted their thermal imaging to identify which individuals in a large group have fevers.
3. Monitoring compliance with social distance guidelines in real time

Mobile GPS data companies has adapted their technology to identify which regions of the U.S. are and are not maintaining social distance. It can be adopted in all countries and uses handset data.
4. COVID-19 Symptom tracker APP

Harvard & Stanford Medical schools have teamed up to quick launch an APP, Covid-19 tracker, that allows public health and medical professionals to monitor disease hot-spots in order to decide where to focus scarce resources and plan quarantines.
5. Face mask made from heater/air conditioning filters.

@DanielJoseph11, a Designer at Walt Disney Imagineering, has invented a simple face mask that uses abundantly available heater/air conditioning filters.
6. Custom fit eye-protection for health care workers :

Fitz Frames, a maker of custom 3D printed eyeglass frames who quickly adapted their technology, which uses a mobile APP that quickly captures facial features, to design & print custom eye protectors for health care workers.
7. A proximity alarm that discourages you from touching your face:

A device called FaceFence that sounds a gentle alarm when you start to touch your face. Stopping face-touching could reduce the odds of infection from 24% to 69%.

All of the above innovation are not at all costly and they have huge potential in asian countries. Specially in Indian Healthcare system.

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