Let me give you some covid-related advice I can absolutely chime in on:

Go look at your post-purchase flows if you have delayed shipping and/or you are open for orders but not currently shipping.

Here's why:

You need to move product so you're likely having sale after sale right now. That's fun! What's not fun? Getting sale emails right after ordering at full price.

Today I got a BOGO 1/2 off email from a shirt brand I love. But just yesterday I ordered 2 shirts. At full price.

They're taking online orders but their distro center is now closed. Now I have an order in limbo. My options are:
- suck it up/be happy to support at full price
- place a 2nd order & plan to return the 1st one

That second one will be a huge problem for you once you reopen.

Or maybe you are actively shipping but your staff is reduced so processing is slower than normal.

I placed an order a week ago and *this week* got a "hey our shipping is running behind" email. But they've sent several new sale emails in between.

It's not a good look. You're saying to your customers "hey we're super overloaded right now but also we're majorly pushing product which will continue to stress our operations". It makes it about you, not the customer.

So what should you do?

Think about the post-purchase experience. Not only should you potentially pause emails on new sale campaigns to existing customers who have unfulfilled orders (until those orders ship, at least), but you also want to think about the time between purchase and delivery.

Buyer's remorse is real and people are making emotionally-driven decisions right now. So they might regret that $500 order they placed at midnight when they couldn't sleep. It's your job to make sure they have no regrets.


Send emails that tell them how to use the product, talk about your mission, introduce them to the team, or send a thank you video from the founder.

You *can* email your customers post-purchase, I'm not saying don't email. I'm saying think about *what* you're emailing.

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