This thread is why I keep pushing my paradigm of Left vs Right.
In fact, the Walking Dead example helps clarify.

In this thread, @JonahDispatch demonstrates why he was NeverTrump: at heart, he's a Leftist.
To be sure, my paradigm of Left vs Right is a little different than the traditional one.

And by " a little", I mean "a little". That isn't sarcastic understatement.
In my paradigm, the difference between the Left and the Right is a fundamental difference in the view of humanity and Rights.
The Left are what I am starting to call Neo-Feudalists. They think most people are idiots, are incapable of governing themselves, and that the cognitive elite should restrict everyone's choices to only the "correct" ones. Exempting themselves, of course.
They see civilization growing out of govt. No govt, no civilization.
Hence, embracing the Walking Dead paradigm that if an apocalypse causes the fall of govt, 90% of the world will revert to murder, rape, slavery, and cannibalism.
The neo-feudalist Left thinks that the Govt should be in charge of everyone, to keep the masses from hurting themselves.
So they also believe that the Elite shouldn't be subject to elections.
I mean, they don't mind you selecting from among the Elite, but not an outsider.
That's why @JonahDispatch can be a "conservative" as long as you vote for Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, etc. But vote for Trump?

He'll hate you, and he'll let it show.

Know your place, peasant. The Elite have spoken.
Since the the neo-feudalist Elite believe in Govt, they don't believe in your agency.
Not believing in your agency, even the best of them eventually forget that Rights are God-given, inalienable, universal.
We *ALL* have the Rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
But the Left (neo-feudalist New Nobility Elite) doesn't see Rights as individual and universal.
They see Rights as conditional, assigned and enforced by Big Govt.
Women have certain rights. Gays have certain rights. Blacks have certain rights. Whites have certain rights.
Your identity group is assigned to you.
And your rights are assigned to your identity group.
And Big Govt enforces it all through unelected bureaucrats, as decided by Elites not subject to dismissal on a macro level.
In contrast, the Right believes in individual, universal rights, and agency.

The Right believes that govt grows from civilization.
We are *first* civilized, and then create government.

We create government as a specialization of tasks we don't want to or have the time to do individually.

The same way we don't all make our own shoes and build our own cars.
If government collapsed from Walking Dead, there would be some groups embracing rape and murder, but they would quickly be wiped out by the smaller communities.
If government collapsed, civilization would just shift to smaller groups.

Every small town would still be civilized.
Places where people know all their neighbors would still be civilized.

We don't need government for civilization.
The Elite, (like @JonahDispatch ) think we do for 2 reasons:
1) they have contempt for working class, rural, small town citizens who either don't have college degrees or didn't go to the Proper Schools.
2) They live in cities where they don't know or trust their neighbors.
That Jonah uses the Walking Dead as an example shows his worldview: that He and His Kind are all that stand between us and cannibalism. He may not make anything, or do anything, but he IS civilization, and he'll be happy to tell you about it.
He's missing the point of the Wuhan virus.

We are staying home because we are civilized, not because of government.
And millions of people are still working and still showing up for work because we are civilized, not because of government.
Individual and community efforts are doing more to contain the virus and protect those who are harmed by the shutdown than the government could ever hope to.
We're already seeing stories of caring and sacrifice and gratitude coming out.

And there will be more.
I predict there will be a whole genre of news items and books written about how much caring our society actually showed to each other.

Because *we* are civilized, not because of government. Despite the contempt shown by the Left.
and I say "The Left" as a group, including Jonah, because even though they have disagreements and fault lines and evenare mortal enemies, they often have the exact same world view, with different nouns: See: White Supremacists vs Black Supremacists, or Jonah vs Cuomo about Trump.
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